나는 드디어 권군과의 씨름을 수락하고 만장의 환호(?)를 받으며 잔디밭 한가운데서 맞붙잡았다. 권군은 몸집만 컸을 뿐 씨름에는 문외한임을 당장 알 수 있었다. 나는 내리 두 번을 아주 보기 좋게 이겼다. 내가 권군을, 그것도 두 번을 거푸, 보기 좋은 들배지기로 이기는 광경은 천만 뜻밖의 일이 아닐 수 없었다. 그것뿐이랴. 뒤이어 상대하겠다는 녀석도 보기 좋게 안다리로 넘겨버렸다.
At last, I accepted a match with Kwon, and held him at the center of the grass amongst enthusiastic cheers of all. It was not long before I found that Kwon was a rank amateur in wrestling, though he had a big figure. I easily beat him twice in a row. That I defeated him twice in a row by a body-twist throw was an event that was not expected in the least. Not only that. I threw down the next opponent by putting my leg between his legs and tripping him.
나의 응원단은, 저쪽 능 옆에서 상당히 걱정하였을지도 모르는, 그 꼬마 응원단은 분명히 쾌재를 불렀을 것이다. 꼬마들은 물론이고 문학회 학생들도 나의 숨은 씨름 솜씨를 알 턱이 없다. 연구실에서 그저 밤낮 책이나 들고 앉아 있는 선배로 알려졌을 뿐이니 놀라운 발견이 아닐 수 없었다.
The cheering party of mine, who perhaps were quite concerned about me, might certainly have yelled for joy at my victory. My hidden wrestling skills were beyond the comprehension not only of the little kids, but also of the students in the literary club. For them it must have been a surprising discovery since I was known as a senior who only struggled day and night with books in hands.
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